Clutch Productions Logo - Lubbock Audio Visual Company

Volunteer Center of Lubbock 2022's Inspiring Symposium

The Volunteer Center of Lubbock is a mighty force for good in our community. Clutch Productions has been a long-time partner with their organization. We are glad to have the opportunity to help them, for the 5th year in a row, with their annual symposium. There are many moving parts, technically speaking, to handle in an event this size. But, we handle it all and make running a live event a breeze for our clients!

What the Volunteer Center of Lubbock needed from Clutch Productions

Every year, there are hundreds in attendance at the Volunteer Center of Lubbock's symposium. This year the event took place in the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center exhibit hall. With such a large audience, video projection screens, a sound system, and live video capture becomes an absolute necessity. This is where our team steps in and shines. We set up and ran two large projection screens, with our brilliant laser projectors. Screens of this size enable the audience to easily see what is happening.

But it doesn't end there. You must have a quality video feed to send to those projector screens. We provided a high quality 4K cinema camera that enabled us to zoom in and show whoever was on the symposium stage. As is typical, the keynote speaker for the event had a presentation they needed shown to the audience. Our projector screens work well to showcase this content as well. So, not only did we support the Volunteer Center of Lubbock staff during the event. We also provided support for their keynote speaker too! Finally, we set up a rock solid sound system and wireless mics to ensure every inspiring word that was said could be heard.

The students in attendance at the 2022 Volunteer Center of Lubbock symposium left inspired. We successfully handled all technical aspects of the event, just as we always do! Our partnership with the Volunteer Center is a strong one, and we are grateful for their continued trust in the services we provide. Do you have a conference or corporate event coming up that you need help with? The Clutch Productions team is here, standing by, ready to assist!

Clutch Productions Logo - Lubbock Audio Visual Company
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Site design by Matt Simmons.